
Ekaterinburg City Transport Agency - is one of the biggest manufacturer of stone-mastic asphalt (SMA) in Sverdlovsk Region. We have used Stilobit additive for several years. In 2016 we produced more than 80 000 ton of SMA for road constructing in Ekaterinburg city. In accordance with test results Stilobit additive is fully satisfies all requirements of GOST 31015-2002. We don`t have any claims to STO 26431298-001-2013. We recognize you as a confident partner and looking forward a confident partnership.

Stabilizing additive Stilobit has been applied in construction of SMA mixture for road Р351. The additive is proved oneself as a high quality product that is totally complied with all technical requirements for road surfacing construction. We don’t have any remarks to STO 26431298-001-2013, all conditions are satisfied terms of GOST 31015-2002. Stilobit LLC is a good partner of road building materials.

Stabilizing additive Stilobit that is produced according to STO 26431298-001-2013 has been used in projects of ООО «Sevzapdorstroy» in 2015. SMA has been laid in the following objects: - Total reconstruction of road M8 «Kholmogory». Moscow-Yaroslavl-Vologda-Arkhangelsk 1155+700 km 1180+000 in Arkhangelsk Region. - Reconstruction of road Arkhangelsk – Arkhangelsk airport (Talaghi), km 0-000 – km 8+900 in Primorsky area of Arkhangelsk Region. - Construction of road Arkhangelsk (from Brin-Navolok town) – Kargopol – Vitegra (to Prokshino town), part of the road 111 km 122. Laboratory test of Stilobit proved full compliance with GOST 31015-2002. No remarks to STO 26431298-001-2013. Production company Stilobit LLC is a confident and long-term partner for us.

ТОО «AktobeBridgeBuilding» in 2017 made a large scale road construction with SMA technology in Republic of Kazkhstan. Stabilizing additive Stilobit has been chosen among others after passed tests. The additive is fully satisfies all requirements of GOST 31015-2002. Positive results of laboratory testing has been proven by following industrial use. Stabilizing additive Stiliobit is a good solution for road building in Kazakhstan.

TOO «Bureau of Public Roads» has successfully constructed roads based on SMA technology in Republic of Kazakhstan for many years. Stabilizing additive Stilobit had replaced its cellulose substitutes and had been used in a road building in Qyzylorda Region. Quality of the road has totally proven test results. SMA with Stilobit in its composition is fully complies the conditions of GOST 31015-2002. Your company proved itself as a confident supplier, we are willing to keep usage of Stilobit additive in future.

OOO «Transstromservice» has a rich experience of upper road layer construction. During road work seasons of 2014-2015 we used Stilobit stabilizing additive. Total volume of laid SMA was more than 400 000 ton. Numerous roads with SMA pavement were laid in Moscow and Moscow Region: MKAD Ring Road, TTK, the Garden Ring Road, Warsaw road, Rublevskoe road, Kashirskoe road, Vernadskogo ave., Lenin str., Kutuzovky ave., Michurinsky ave., Belarusky Railway Station Square and others. Laboratory tests proved compliance of Stilobit to GOST 31015-2002 and STO 26431298-001-2013. Nevertheless the economic hardship your company stays always client oriented, all shipments done in schedule and in full amount. We are looking forward the continuous partnership with you.

OAO «ARSP» had successfully used SMA technology for construction of upper road layer in 2014-2015. Stabilizing additive Stilobit had been applied in production of stone mastic asphalt for several road constructing projects in Moscow. Field tests of the stabilizer show high level of road strength, the additive is fully satisfies conditions of GOST 31015-2002. The following use of Stilobit is recognized as highly cost-effective.

OOO «Dortransstroy» has applied more than 160 ton of stabilizing additive Stilobit for SMA construction in 2014. Apply in the following projects: Road M7 Podimalovo, Road M5 Chishmy. Testing of Stilobit additive and SMA mixture basing on it show full compliance with GOST 31015-2002 and STO 26431298-001-2013. Stilobit LLC proved itself as a confident supplier of high quality product.

Company OAO «ABZ-1» has applied stabilizing additive Stilobit for production of stone-mastic asphalt (SMA) for road reconstructing in St. Petersburg and Leningrad Region. SMA with Stilobit demonstrates stable quality and high rate of rut resistance. Besides, Stilobit shows good properties in pavement projected under the Superpave technology. All asphalt mixtures are fully satisfies the requirements of GOST 31015-2002, PNST 183-2016, PNST 127-2016. Your company has proved oneself as a confident partner. We are looking forward the continuous partnership with you.
About us
Stilobit LLC - the first manufacturer of Russian origin stabilizing additives for SMA (stone-mastic asphalt), established its production site in 2004, today Stilobit is extensively applied in Russia, Central Asia and Eastern Europe, quality of our additives proved by main laboratories of Russia and EurAsEC.
Based on mineral fiber Stilobit additives are always reinforced asphalt pavement. Additives doesn`t lose its properties under moister or heat treatment.
Production Company Stilobit was founded as a branch of JSC “Uralasbest - one of the largest and oldest manufacturers of chrysotile in the world. Industrial development since 1889 and the quarter of the world chrysotile market. Company has own mineral basement and keep highest


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